Not sure but I doubt the girls are any nice over there considering... the amount that are overweight, as far as I remember ... statistically Colorado seemed to be the healthiest state in US
Well I lived in Lithuania *where I was born* for most of my life, and I'm living in one of the poorer parts of the city in Scotland right now... but I gotta say it's not even comparable to what it was like over there. There have been quite some attacks where I am right now, people killed and so on but personally I was never bothered here even at night time (11pm and so on)... The only thing I remember is.. some guy asking if I know where he could get some weed, told him that I don't and he politely thanked me and walked away
Can't say much about England, been to Manchester but ain't lived there to know the whole city properly...
Compared to Lithuania I'd say it's extremely safe here... well at least not comparable as I said... I do realise that you have crime everywhere... but I am most certain than in certain countries the crime rate is a lot bigger than in others.
P.S. Just been googling and found some statistics... ... -crime-murders-per-capita UK seems to be pretty safe! Lithuania being 9th, not surprised now that when I was over there for holidays my friend was carrying pocket knife and knuckle dusters with him on our way home from bus station at night time...
Yeah that's what I meant more, I do realised that ya can achieve anything you want as long as you're determined to go all the way. I was more curious whether it was as dangerous as television makes it look...
And is this concertrated in certain states... areas? Like you said, places where you would rather not be at night time, or at all!
Anyway, I was curious to hear again from some Americans... (probably some might remember that I've asked weird questions in the past but that's not the point)...
Personally never been there so got quite interested in finding out what's the situation like concerning ehm... 'classes'. Not entirely sure what'd be the most ideal way of wording it but there ya go
Is there a big difference, division between richer and poorer people? And is it really as rough in certain parts of cities/or the country overall or is this all a false image created by television which brainwashes silly people like me.
Tha for answers in advance
No silly, attacking comments please.
I thought it was only the problem of saving something in certain format? Therefore remove that from MS Word and then they'd be able to sell it again? no? ... I probably got it all wrong, nevermind!
Personally I don't really care as I don't use that piece of... ubergine
Well... just found out that apparently my friend's dad work at the uni, arhchitecture sector... He says History, or a subject liek that would be enough :/ Dunno... I think I might only do four subjects.
Well to get into the course I want , I need highers at BBBB, one of em being english or a subject which requires the use of it (such as geography, history)
And im doing both of those , and also psychology.... so technically I should get away without taking english...
Don't employers tend to look at your first sittings? Rather than re-sits
My results (5th year)
Higher A: Art And Design
Higher A: Graphic Communication
Higher B: Physics
Int2 A: Maths
And failed higher english... score!
Not sure what I'm gonna do now... as I'm currently doing English, Maths, Geography, History, Psychology (all highers) but thinking about dropping out of English :/